Art Meditation - How To Get 5 Minutes Of Calm From Busy Life
I think we are all looking for some kind of calmness in our chaotic life.
During COVID I started to have panic attack, my psychologist was telling me how to use the deep breath method to calm myself down but I found it really hard to do because the more I focus on my breathing the more I cannot breathe! Then my psychologist shown me another way calm down, which is very simple and very effective. She told me to grab anything in front of me and start examining this item. For example, you can grab a book in front of you, and you start looking at all the details on the book (not to read it) just the details like the colours, the lines, the cover page, the smell of the book, all these little things, and when you are doing that, you forget what made you panic.
So for me, art is my way to focus. When I feel stress, I just bring my pen and paper out and start drawing something in front of me. I found it's more effective to use pen and paper than my iPad I don't know why, maybe it's the texture of the paper or the sound of my colour pencils against the paper.
Give it a go next time when you feel stress. It's the best way to calm yourself down. No matter what's happening around, we need to look after ourselves first.
Stay calm.
Suki x
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