Do You Keep A Diary?
I was very lucky to have an inspiring teacher when I was in year 5 and 6. (11-12 years old)
I remember Ms Wong was the vice school principle and she taught us Chinese. Every week she asked us to write a page of diary as our homework. I remembered how much I love writing my diary. I love sharing my life with her. It's like letting someone into your own little world.
I kept this habit for a very long time. (I think I still write diary but in a digital way.) I knew my mum used to read my diary 🤣 and I remembered I wrote something like "anyone read my diary without permission is going to die"😱😱 something nasty like this... I was a terrible child... 😅
These days, everyone want everyone to read their diary. It's like everyone have so much to share? How odd the world has become.
Anyway, I love writing, to a point that I actually published 2 books in the past. One was published in Hong Kong. It was about the culture shock I had when I first came to Australia 20 years ago. It was a funny little book with drawings and short articles. The second book was published in Taiwan about my honeymoon in Russia and Finland.
I am glad that I start writing a blog again. It reminds me of the good old days. Fingers crossed I will keep it up!