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Happy 6th Birthday!!

Happy 6th Birthday!!

Today is our South Melbourne Market shop's 6th birthday! 🎉

Although celebrating today in lockdown isn't the best, I still want to take a moment to celebrate this important day with you all.❤️

We moved to Melbourne from Sydney 6 years ago to start our business. Well our business actually started before we moved here, it was terrible, every market we went to, we only made enough to get lunch. We hardly sell anything. I remembered the doubt I had in me, every night, I doubt if this is the right thing to do. I wonder what if it doesn't work out. But I also strongly believe in my work and I really think it will work. So we moved to Melbourne to open a shop. I remembered when we went to South Melbourne Market the first time, I was telling myself, this is where I want to open a shop, so we tried our best, we started our pop up at @some_space then moved to another pop up shop then the shop we are in now. I remember that it was a shop that no one wanted. It was dark. It wasn't the best location. It wasn't what we dream of but we took the opportunity anyway. You never say no to opportunity. You just have to make this work for you. 2 years ago, a month before COVID hit, we opened our second shop, although we have to close it due to COVID, it is the best experience we could ever ask for. 

As per the Australian Bureau of Statistics, more than 60 percent of small businesses stop their operation within the first three years of their startup journey. 😱 And today, we are still here. And this is all because of you. Thank you for recognising my bravery, my hard work and my passion. Without your support we won't be still standing in this challenging time. 

Although COVID has set us back 2 years, we still see a lot of possibilities for the future. We want to grow as strong and valuable as we can so that we can make an impact in our society. We want to form a community to support small creative businesses. The world is full of small, independent and creative businesses who care about people and the planet - not just the profit. When we can join together, that makes our voices stronger and it's easier to make an impact. We have both an incredible opportunity and a huge responsibility to use our voice, our reach and our resources to leave our planet in a better place for the next generation. 👍🏼

This sounds like a speech for miss universe but this is truly what I believe and I am so excited to go on this journey with you. 

前の記事 We Are Back On Saturday!!
次の記事 Keep Swimming


