Taking Time Off
Today I would like to share some struggle with you.😭 If you're a business owner or a parent, you'll understand how hard it is to take time off. Your business is your baby and it needs all your attention at all time! I am not complaining tho. I enjoy every moment of it. Ups and Downs. It's really rewarding. Sometimes I am such a workaholic that I forgot when to stop. Before I know it, I've already burnt out. 😢
Since the end of the pandemic, I told myself to take Monday off. That's the best day to have a day off because both of the shops are closed and I have worked 4 days straight. I am free to do anything but work. I don't reply my email. I don't. pick up the phone. I don't reply messages. I don't look at social media. I just want to focus my time on my dog, my husband and myself.
The truth is it sounds easier than done! For some reason there's always an urgent email on my day off. 🤣 It's always something in the shop or the warehouse I have to do immediately. 😅 And by the time I finished, my Monday is gone. Then I get cranky and annoyed the fact that I am still working on my day off.
I think having a business really make me learn how to set my boundaries and to be flexible. Those are the things that I don't want to do but those are also the things that will help me to get to the next level. Help me to success. Look at the purpose of the problems not just the problem by itself.
Taking time off is still a work in progress for me. I need my mind to rest and feel refresh and inspired. I need to work smarter not harder. Sometimes I thought I am busy but it's just because I am tired and it takes me twice the time to finish the job.
Anyway, 2020 is a weird year. I hope I can do better in 2021.
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