First Jab Done!
If you have watched the interview of the Kylie Fisher, the ICU nurse at Western Health on the news last night you must understand how hard the front line healthcare workers are working for the us right now. I got a bit emotional when I heard her talking. There are tears and exhaustion on their faces and we couldn’t thank them enough. 🙏🏻 On the other hand, there are different kind of tears and exhaustion on small business owners faces in the past year… it feels like a decade long of uncertain. 💔 And then, there are tears and exhaustion on work from home parents who need to look after their kids and work at the same time. 😢 It’s hard on everyone. 💔 so today we take a step up and went to have our first jab of vaccine. We did it for our health. We did it for our community. I hope we can hug each other soon! 🤗❤️
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